We respect the privacy of our clients and visitors which is very important to us. Your online safety is important to us. Please read our privacy statement below.

1.The information we gather

The information we gather includes your email address, name business name (if applicable), Street Address Post Code City and Country, as well as your Telephone Number. These include your email, address, name postal code city, county, phone number, password. We collect this information using a variety of methods; for instance, we use cookies that are used to compile and aggregate non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our site. The information you supply is personally identifiable. For example your bank account number or credit card number. This information is solely yours.

Use of Information

We will make the site more user-friendly if you don\’t have to type in your data again.

It is easy to locate information on services, products and other information.

Help us develop web content that is most relevant to your needs.

We will notify you of new services and products, as well as details.

Registration and ordering

During registration you will be asked to enter your name as well as your billing and shipping address as well as your phone number, and email address. In addition, we may be able to ask for your country so that we are able to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. We may be able to ask you for your gender. These personal details are collected for billing, order fulfillment, communication with you as well as internal marketing. If we encounter a problem during the processing of your purchase, we will notify you via the information you given us.

Email Addresses

Sign up to receive our newsletter for free and will receive offers for promotional purposes. It is your decision whether you participate in the contest or share any personal information.

3. Privacy is a matter of concern

We do not sell (or rent or trade) personal information that is identifiable to any other company as part of our regular course of business. We use the latest encryption technology. All employees we hire must sign a confidential agreement that prevents them from disclosing any information they may have access to to anyone else.

What type of email do I use to send an email to my client?

We email content to our customers that may include some of the following:

Transaction mail: Shipping notifications Weekly Deals Promotions, Activity.

Email newsletters and promotions:

Email is the primary way we communicate with our members. If you don\’t want to be notified of these updates, you can opt out of receiving them by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email. You will be removed from our mail list instantly and at no cost.

How can I stop receiving the newsletter?

Unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking the link that appears in any email you receive or by changing your subscribe settings following logging in.